Monday, 7 April 2008

About Me

Hi, my name is Chris. I'm a 26 year old IT Project Manager from Manchester, UK.

I've always been interested in efficiency (productivity), technology, life improvement etc.

Ultimately I want to find the way to do the most 'stuff' with the least effort, therefore maximising my non-work/chore time.

I have set up blog to chart my progress and to improve my communication and perfection of my system. I really have enough hobbies already, but I think that this one could lead to something more - who knows.

I hope that if you find my blog you find it fun, informative and well written. I look forward to getting to know you.

My First Mac - The first two weeks

I've taken the Plunge and bought a Mac. I'm very excited. Fortunately I can get a discount through work, so the order is placed!

I have purchased a 20 inch 2.0GHz iMac with upgraded 2GB RAM and a wireless keyboard and mouse.

Day One
I picked up my mac today. I have never owned a Mac before. I am excited as I open the box. I am very impressed with the look of the Mac. It looks very sleek on my now minimalist desktop.

Once I finally locate the power button I'm in. A few very quick selections (including my Mac account and a photo - are they spying on me?) and I'm in. I open up the internet and can't find how to maximise the window! I am so used to Windows that I don't know any of the shortcuts.

Keyboard - Whilst my wirless keyboard looks very sleep - it is quite small without the key pad and the key presses aren't as soft as I had expected - I am afterall used to typing on a laptop now.

I see that a number of programmes require software updates - so just trying to work out how long they will take to download and what to do. Decide to download over night.

Day Two
I have been reading on the internet trying to learn the common mistakes that new users (from PCs) make. It probably is easy to use Macs from scratch than PCs.

First problem - I have downloaded Firefox. I can get it to load but apparently I have to get it to Eject, and copy the file to my applications directory - let the games begin.
OK I have worked out how to do this now! Simple when you know how!

I have plugged in my Hard drive and WOW - it just works, straight away! Awesome.

Front row - I love the User Interface for this - it is the classic Mac Simplicity. I've loaded up iTunes - my entire Aerosmith back catalougue loads in no time and I'm straight into Front Row and it is so fast! THIS MAC ROCKS

Still not understanding fully how to close programmes down.

Day Three
Only just remembered that I was keeping this log - I've been so engrossed in it. I love the vibrancy of the screen it is so big and bright. I think this is one of the best things about it - so definitely better to go for the iMac rather than the laptop (I can see myself getting a laptop as well in the future). The wireless keyboard is neat too - still getting used to the whole set up but still loving it.

I downloaded all of the software updates whilst I had tea. It was great - I thought I would have to confirm each programme, but I just set them up and went back after tea just had to restart and all was sorted! Again WOW. I assume these are automatic - I will have to check. I can see why people love these things!

Just taking a look at iCal now - may use it as a local host for all of my calendard. I got my PA from getfriday assigned today so calendar management may be an option.

Will probably start to track my impressions through my LifeStyle Project Blog.

Should I download Open Office or use GoogleDocs?

Day Four
Working from Home today so this gives me the opportunity to do some 'background tasks' on the Mac.

Importing some of my music and photos (so can be all organised on the Mac) Both music and photos do need a lot of work to get them sorted, but once they are they should be really easy to Manage going forward. Need to strip Movies out of Photo folders too.

OK so I've got quite a lot of tunes in iTunes but not my whole Library. However, there are quite a few albums I want to download - but iTunes is more expensive than the new service by Play. Now found 7Digital which has the two brand new albumns I want (Supergrass and Raconteurs) for only a fiver each!

Messing around with Logmein for my old laptop now.

Downloading those albumns - no mac client yet so have to download manually.

Funny - problem importing in to Itunes - not doing names correctly.

OK so I've set up mail using my google account (as can't with Yahoo without paying - wish I had got a UK one all those years ago). Got myself a new widescreen background which rocks. Sorted out the raconteurs album.

Now sorting stuff out off my old PC (music etc) getting used to the Mac menu structure.

Day Five
Just going to sort out moving across some more music. For some reasons I managed to change the music in the front row photo gallery yesterday but now it is stuck with "Auld Lang Singn" (I thoughts I would be able to change it for each albumn? Now I can't get rid of it!

Also can't work out why some of the music from the old PC is 'locked'

Day Six
Was going to do some more organising of files etc. but didn't get on the Mac until the evening (major hangover!)

Just used the Mac for internet surfing today - so it is coming into 'normal service' as my PC now. It looks beautiful and so minimalist- I have loads of space on my desk. Still got plently of ideas of things I want to do - Like hook up the scanner to scan straight to PDF would be great! One of the whole points getting the mac was to organise my life better and more simply!

Getting late now. It is a change in Daylight savings time so I am not as tired as I should be at this late hour.

Day Seven
Had the Mac a week now!!! Must say that it is absolutely awesome, I am made up with it. I have used iPhoto to loads some pictures from the Digital camera and it is really easy to use - very pleased. Also downloaded Flickr Uploadr. Either the have updated the program anyway or the mac version is better, because I was able to tag the photos a lot easier than on the web.

Tried starting to setup Time Machine, by copying everything off my hard drive over, but had some problems so will have to try again. Maybe a job for when I'm working at home!

Just syncing my iPod with the Mac the first time. Impressed with the speed of the Mac (probably partly because my tunes are held locally rather than on the external hard drive).

End of week one Review

Day Eight - Felt ill today so no time on the Mac. Sarah used it briefly to find a takeaway and loved it!

Day Nine

Installing Microsoft Office that I 'ahem' aquired from somewhere. Not too fussed about having it but it is useful also with my Outsourcing Experiment.

It does feel kind of dirty installing a Microsoft application on a MAC! It is now installed and updated and has really cluttered up my dock! Time for a tidy up!

Day ???

Ok so that's another day. For a couple of days I've either forgotten to write about it or not used the mac.

Today I set up Time Machine. This meant that I had to reformat my external hard drive. A colleague said that I would still be able to use it on my PC - but he was wrong! Obviously I backed everything up first. So that's all sorted now and time machine is happily running in the background keeping my data safe.

It does give me a slight problem with my backup strategy I have planned with my dad (swapping USB hard drives) - but I managed to connect my windows laptop to my Mac so there will be some kind of work around - but maybe not as simple as I had hoped! Will have to have a think about that.

Anyway, as pat of transferring my iTunes over only once they are sorted neatly - I continued to do that today, using my PC to sort the tunes and then reimporting in to my Mac. Results - the work is worth it I think as I now have a much better iTunes library (without all the duplicates!)

In summary:

Thursday, 27 March 2008

The Lifestyle Project

The lifestyle project is my experiment in the Project that is the lifestyle that I lead, and how I seek to improve the quality of that lifestyle.

- ZenHabits
- 4HWW
- The 7 Habits
- Stress Reduction
- Web 2.0 and Beyond
- Personal Goals and Mission Statement
- Technology
- Health and Fitness
- Blogging
- Personal Outsourcing
- Life Hacks

This is my blog to express my quest to do more by doing less (but probably doing more and having fun with it in the process)